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Remembering my Wedding

Posted on Tuesday November 1st, 2022 @ 2:07pm by Lieutenant Commander Paul Sharpe

2,144 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Concluding Affairs
Location: Sharpe's Quarters
Timeline: Current


During his off time, Paul was in his quarters relaxing and looking at a picture of his wedding picture, he was in his dress uniform and Alex was in a white satin wedding dress with no veil, as he looked at it his mind drifted back to his wedding day this was during his off duty hours during the current mission. Paul sat there looking at the latest photo of him, his wife Alex and their two kids, this was taken the day before he was assigned to the USS Poseidon as ships Chief Engineer "I wonder how you are coping with command of your Cousin's ship?" he as the photo as his mind went back to his wedding day.

Earth Somers Residence grounds 2385 Paul and Alex were out walking around the vast estate of the Somers family enjoying their shore leave, Alex was currently on extended ground duty and where Paul was dressed in the latest styles, Alex was in her retro outfit of smart trousers, a blouse a pair of three-inch heeled court shoes, her hair was styled in a smart classic elegant style, Paul was on leave from his current posting, the grounds were well kept and it showed of the Somers families long-standing influence and standing in the community if money was still in use they would be classed as multi-millionaires but with no currency in use, they were influential and of high standing. As they reached the Gazebo in the middle of the grounds, Paul and Alex were standing in the middle of it looking into each other’s eyes when suddenly Paul got down on one knee and he looked up at Alex holding out a ring “will you do me the honour of being my wife?” he asked.

Alex was enjoying her “alone time” with Paul when suddenly, he got down on one knew initially she looked down at him puzzlement clearly on her face and when he pulled out a ring box and opened it, her confused look became one of shock and awe as he held out a ring. She inhaled sharply, this was unexpected, she did not think twice about it her thoughts were going at warp ten “oh! Paul, it's yes, yes, yes, I do” Alex responded excitedly and held out her left hand to allow Paul to slip an engagement ring on her finger then he stood up and gave her a kiss that made her ears pop, and she sighed and melted into his arms. She felt as giddy as a schoolgirl with her first crush. After a lengthy time, he moved back and had an uncertain look on his face “um Alex, I know we just got engaged, but as I do not have long left, might we get married in the next few days? I know it is fast, but I want to tie the knot before I return to duty” Sharpe responded.

As they broke off Alex looked at Paul, he looked abashed and had a hint of uncertainty on his face, and then he asked to advance their wedding day, he looked so cute she thought to herself, but she gave it ten seconds thought and with a big affectionate smile on her face, of course, hon, we can bring it forward” she said and a split-second surprise Paul again gave her a hug she would not soon forget. After another hour of walking around the ground, the lovebirds made it back to the main house and were greeted by the family old fashioned butler who opened the door for them, both smiled at him as they passed him to go into the house and they lounge where Alex and Paul were waiting. An Admiral entered the house “I am here to speak to the happy couple!” The Admiral said. “Right this way Sir,” the butler said in response as he closed the door and led the Admiral to another room.

While entering the property the Admiral thought that a live butler was a quaint thing to have in this day and age to have, but then again, the Somers family were old fashioned in most of the things they have done. They arrived at the room and the butler took his leave, the Admiral came in and greeted the pair. Paul sought out Alex’s father who had just finished up with Admiral Steinberg, who nodded to the pair and left the property Paul walked up to Samuel “hey Sam, might I have a quick word with you please?” Paul asked, the elder Somers nodded and moved to one side as Alex rushed away to show her sisters the ring that she had just been given. Paul looks at Sam “and Alex was wondering” he paused if you could officiate our Wedding Service, before we return back to our respective duties, please?” He asked.

Gently placing his hand on his shoulder Sam looked at Paul “what is it, son?” Samuel asked Paul looked at him “Do you still have your Clergy licence Sam?” Sharpe asked and the older Somers nodded. “I was hoping that you would perform the marriage ceremony for us?” Paul asked looking troubled “I wanted to walk my daughter down the Aisle,” Sam said giving him a blank look and raising an eyebrow Sam thought ‘oh hell here comes the logic argument’ “Could you not do both Sam, walk Alex down the aisle then change over to the other duty?” Sharpe commented. The elder Somers gave it a thought, a long thought “sounds doable, okay I will do it” he said with a smile and Paul broke out in a smile and vigorously shook his hand “thank you, Sam, thank you” Sharpe said. And went to find Alex to give her the good news smiling like the cat that got the cream all the way to where she was.

After the euphoria had died down life moved on and two years later on April 05 2389 after the plans had been made both had returned home to finally get married Sharpe still a Lieutenant Commander and Alex a newly minted Lieutenant Colonel who was attending the Academy to learn the ways of a Fleet Officer arrived back home, after a quick interaction and relaxation a date was set for their wedding which was a week from this day, now the date was set things moved quickly Paul moved into his parents old home, as he had a spare room his Best Man was staying there, as he knew very few people at this time he asked Alex’s brother who agreed. While everyone else was preparing for the wedding Alex was on Kronos having one hell of a Hen Party, when she explained what type of things went on in one the Klingon females, she knew were up for it, all types of drinks were available and those who attended had one hell of an experience.

Paul’s Bachelor party was just as rowdy, but it took place on earth at an old pub where the drinks were real. Back on Kronos at the Hen night Alex was very drunk but still standing and she was flirting with one of the male Orion slave dancers, it is safe to say that all non-humans got a taste of what a human hen party could be like. At the end of the night as most had left on shaky legs those that remained, mostly Klingons and both Somers sisters were in a circle and a large mug of blood wine in hand, some were dubious, but out of the non-Klingon only Alex remained standing, but she could not move, she looked at her Sister who was on the floor face up snoring, she drunkenly laughed and started hiccupping and made the mistake of moving or trying to, the next moment she was face down on the floor also snoring, the Klingon females laughed but left the human’s to sleep it off. Back on earth Paul and his party were having a wild time with some imported Orion Slave girls, their owner a Ferengi had been well paid and was not there, but the Female Orion Pheromone was heightening those there with a night they would never forget, all males were drunk and not just on the alcohol. At the end of the night Paul with the last of his self-control had the Ferengi come to collect his women and all men who remained staggered home, all singing, but most out of tune.

The next morning April the 6th 2387 Paul was in his parent's house, which he now owned, he woke up on the floor, his eyes like slits as the bright light shone into the room, he rubbed his eyes as he groaned, then the hangover kicked in “OW!” he slowly stood up and walked over to the medicine cabinet and pulled out a hypo spray with a liquid that would cure his hangover in a few minutes, as the liquid removed the pain of the hangover a loud banging of his door, which sounded like it was connected to a sub-woofer “alright, ima coming!” Paul said, he opened his door and standing there was his best man already dressed. “Jim! What are you doing here?” he asked confused, his friend smiled at him “it is your wedding day Paul” he responded, Sharpe’s eyes widened as he looked at the clock “dammit I am gonna be late,” Sharpe said leaving the door open for his best man to enter the house.

It was the fastest change he had ever done, he was in his dress uniform and hair combed and clean-shaven, so when he returned downstairs, he was presentable and with that both men left for the church, having a laugh and joke as they made their way. Back at the Somers residence Alex also recovering from her Hen night got ready, she already had white stockings and suspender belt with Garter and a corset that felt tight on her hair were stylishly coiffured in a 1940’s posh style, then on went 6inch white heel wedding shoes and she had elegant and delicate drop earring on, with the basics ready she was helped on with her dress. As the women of the Somers house were helping Alex with her dress the males were getting into their dress uniforms, Samuel’s uniform had some elaborate decorations on. Now at the church, Paul, his best man and the guests wait for the bride to arrive.

Suddenly the wedding march begins, and the guests stand up, the main doors open and in walks Alex and her father, who was walking her down the aisle. He took one look at her wedding gown and felt his heart flutter, she may have been born in the 24th Century, but she could carry the vintage styles off very well, she was wearing a veil but you could still see her face through it, Paul gave Samuel a shallow bow as he brought his daughter to him, now both faced each other and recited their vows, both making promises they intended to keep, they were childhood sweethearts after all. When their parts were done and the rings were on the minister finalized “by the power invested in me by the Christian church and Starfleet Command I hereby pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride” he said, Paul lifted the veil and both shared a passionate kiss, then faced the guests who applauded as they walked up the aisle as they were showered with confetti as the guests followed then out.

Then it was the obligatory photos then off to the reception where the bouquet would be thrown into the crowd of eager females both got in the hover limo and were taken to the reception. Like any other reception, there were speeches, from the father and best man and a lot of dancing, then halfway through the reception the married couple vanished and changed into less formal clothes and returned, this is where all the single ladies gathered to try to catch the bride's bouquet. Due to her height, it was S’arila who managed to catch it, much to her surprise, she did not expect to get it, but it seems fate had something to say about it. With that task now done the newly-weds finally left the reception to head off for their honeymoon, those that remained partied till late at night.

He was brought out of his memory by his computer communications sounding, wiping a happy tear from his eye he got up and sat at his desk and accessed the call his face brightened up "I was just thinking about you!" he exclaimed as the visage of his wife appeared on his screen smiling.


Lt Cmdr Paul Sharpe
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Poseidon


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