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A cadet?

Posted on Sunday September 15th, 2019 @ 12:50am by Lieutenant Nealey Brinsley & Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon

1,288 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Departure and Trial Run
Location: Operations Offices

Chloe had finished her meeting with her mentor, Sydney, and thought she should also go and introduce herself to the COO. She walked across the hallway from the quartermasters office, and pressed the chime for the COO's office. She took a small step back, smoothing out her uniform and letting out the breath that she hadn't realised she was holding. She didn't know why she was so nervous. She'd passed all her courses at the Academy, and she was pretty sure she knew all the basics that she needed to know to make a good start onboard the ship.

Nealey was sat inside her office working on a duty roster for her department for the next couple of weeks. When she heard the chime ring unexpectedly she looked up and summoned her unexpected visitor into her office.

"Come in" the Australian called.

Chloe smiled as the door opened before her. She was still feeling nervous, and wasn't entirely sure that she was in the right place. Nonetheless she walked through the door as it opened, and walked up to the desk, with all the fake confidence she could gather. "Sorry ma'am, I thought you'd like to meet me. I'm Chloe, the new cadet in the Operations department." She smiled, trying to look friendly.

Nealey smiled and stood up - gesturing to one of the vacant seats in front of her desk.

"Ah yes I saw your name on the roster. Please take a seat Miss Graydon - can I get you anything to eat or drink?" Nealey asked.

Chloe shook her head. "No, thank you ma'am. I don't want to take up to much of your time. I'm sure you have much more important things to be seeing to than worrying about me." She said, taking the offered seat.

Nealey briefly looked at the family photo which she'd placed on her desk by her console before looking back at Chloe.

"You wouldn't be taking my time at all Cadet. I'm only working on the duty roster - and as you're a member of my department I have a duty to care and worry about everyone - and that includes you. Plus the replicator's only there and I was going to get something for myself anyway" Nealey responded.

Chloe nodded, blushing slightly with embarrassment. "In that case, could I get a Diet Coke?" She asked, smiling. She quite enjoyed the old earth beverage, and she felt they tasted even better cold from the replicator.

"Of course. One Diet Coke and one warm cup of breakfast tea" Nealey said.

The drinks then materialised in front of Nealey. She took them back over to the table - handing the Diet Coke to Chloe before sitting down with her cup of tea. She then brought up Chloe's record on her console.

"What made you choose Operations?" Nealey asked.

"I don't know really. It's just been something that's always interested me. It was either this or Medical, although I do still have time to change my mind, but I don't think I will." She answered, looking thoughtful for a moment. "I could pickup some extra shifts doing Medical though, because I enjoy that to." She was starting to waffle, which usually happened when she was nervous. "Sorry." She said. "I get carried away talking sometimes. As I said i've always enjoyed Operations, and the idea of all the logistics side of things seems interesting." She smiled.

Nealey had a long sip of her tea before relaxing back into her chair. She didn't really believe on doing things formally and liked to be more relaxed - but also stay professional - as much as possible.

"Don't worry about it. If I'm honest I don't really know why I chose Operations myself - but here I am five years later. I see that you're currently paired with our Quartermaster Lieutenant Allen - is something you'd like to continue with? I'm happy for her to mentor you if you're happy with her doing so" Nealey said.

Chloe nodded again. "I have only just met the Lieutenant Ma'am, but I think i'd like to keep working with him. I'd like to work with some others to if thats doable ma'am." She said.

"Well if you'd like to work with me as well then I'd be happy to help you. I've not been doing much mentoring for a while but I think now's the perfect time to get started again. And you don't have to call me ma'am - Lieutenant is fine" Nealey replied.

Chloe smiled. "Sorry Ma...I mean Lieutenant." She shook her head. "If you've got the time to mentor me, i'd love to be taught by someone as experienced as you." She said.

Nealey smiled. "You don't need to apologise Cadet - and if I didn't have the time I wouldn't offer to help you out. I'd like to get back into mentoring again as it's really rewarding - you'll know what I mean when you get the opportunity to do the same one day"

“If I get the opportunity.” Chloe countered, trying to smile. She didn’t have much faith in her abilities, even though she should know she’d be fine.

"You'll get the opportunity Cadet - all you've got to do is try your best. If you do that then surely anyone will see that you've got the potential to be a very good officer in the future. I know it's hard to see it right now - I've been where you are and it's a long four years - but you will get there" Nealey replied.

Chloe smiled at the encouragement. “I’ll try not to let you down.” She smiled.

Nealey smiled. "Look...we're not perfect and I don't expect you or anyone else to be - all I ask is that you try your best and are able to say that you have at the end each day. I hear your mother is on board as well - what's her role on the ship?"

Chloe nodded. "She's the Executive Officer...I suppose that means I have alot to live upto onboard..." She frowned. "I hope I can live upto her standards..."

" should just focus on being you and taking things at a pace you're comfortable with. I can appreciate she has high standards - but those high standards should be reserved for members of the crew like me who are in a senior position and are expected to set an example to others. If you ever feel like she's pushing you too much just come and have a chat with me yeah?" Nealey responded.

Chloe smiled a proper smile. “Thanks Lieutenant, I appreciate that. Is there anything you need me to do?” She asked, still smiling.

Nealey replied. "Other than try your best...I can't think of anything. Unless of course you want to help me bring some supplies aboard. We're expecting a delivery of supplies shortly - I know it sounds boring but I'd appreciate the help"

"I'd be happy to." Chloe agreed, nodding enthusiastically. "When do you need me?" She asked.

Nealey smiled. "Well once you've finished your drink of course - but there's no rush. Please take your time and we'll make a start when you're ready"

Chloe nodded again, quickly finishing her drink. "I'm ready." She said, smiling.

Nealey smiled and finished her tea before putting the empty cup back on the table. She took a few seconds to log out of her console before standing up and walking around the desk - gesturing towards the door with her right arm.

"Let's go" Nealey said.

=/\= End =/\=

Cadet Freshman Grade Chloe Graydon
Operations Cadet
USS Poseidon


Lieutenant Nealey Brinsley
Chief Operations Officer
USS Poseidon


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