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A Brief Reprieve - Pt. 3: A Parting Gift

Posted on Sunday February 21st, 2021 @ 1:32pm by Commander Kanaka Shakura

841 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: U.S.S. Poseidon; Deck 06 - Main Shuttlebay
Timeline: A day prior to Departure from Starbase 47
Tags: Kanaka Shakura, Canaan Serine, Nealey Brinsley, Madison Brinsley, Departure, Starbase 47, New Cadets

Kana had gotten up very early on the day prior to the one that was scheduled for the Poseidon's departure from Starbase 47. All the major repairs had finally been completed, and now there was only the task of unloading all the original cargo that was destined for Cardassian Space, and resupplying the ship for a newly purposed reconnaissance and patrol role. The herculean task of moving all this cargo - even with the benefits of the technology Starfleet had to hand - had already begun in earnest when the repairs had been underway, but now it was all hands on deck to clear the rest.

The Executive Officer decided it would be helpful for the crew, still shaken after the events of the Bright Nebula and feeling a great deal of anxiousness about the upcoming Departure, for them to see her face amongst them to help direct the flow of things and to show a brave face. To reassure them that everything was in order and that, despite the hardships they had already faced on their brief tour of duty thus far, neither Command nor Starfleet had any less confidence or faith in them. It was an exhausting labour, not just physically but also emotionally, as the Betazoid had to shoulder all the rawness that was still being felt by those aboard; particularly the young Cadets.

Yet there was also another burden she had to bear on this day in particular. During the course of the past few weeks while the ship had been docked for repairs, Kana had been responsible for overseeing the departure and arrival schedules for several crewmembers, some of whom she had become good friends with during their initial journey. The first of course was Canaan Serine, who they had mutually decided would be better off taking a commission elsewhere on a fully dedicated science vessel. While Kana had at first suggested he take a step back from Starfleet altogether, she knew that was something of an impossibility for him; he needed his work to keep himself happy, and while he could sometimes overwork, it was better then getting lost in his own grief with nothing to do at all. So she had made sure that where he ended up next, not only would he be in good care, but that they could also keep in touch. They parted with only a few words, but they knew that was because if they didn't, they would never be able to properly say goodbye.

The next crewmates to be making their departure from the Poseidon would be the Brinsley family. This was something that had already been scheduled even before the events of the Bright Nebula, but after the close-shave experience with death and the effect it had on their children, Kana agreed to help expedite the process. She saw all four of them off to their shuttle, and spent some time talking to them before they boarded, especially young Keziah and Victoria. They had actually drawn her a little picture, using an array of watercolours; it was all of them together, having dinner, like they had just before the incident at the Bright Nebula. Kana was grateful for it, and saw it as a sign that they were both already doing their best - even as young as they were - to work through the trauma of what they had experienced. She promised to treasure it always.

As the family boarded their shuttle, Kana had begun to walk away back to oversee the work in the Cargo Bay. As she did, however, she got a sudden shiver up the back of her spine. Looking round to see what might have caused it, she saw that from the same shuttle a bunch of new Cadets had also arrived on the ship - about ten of them - already pressed and dressed into their uniforms. She felt a great deal of excitement but also nervousness amongst them; she imagined that news of what had happened at Bright Nebula had spread quickly. She also imagined they must have already had prior experience, hence already being in uniform, since she couldn't imagine any freshmen wanting to so eagerly join the Poseidon after what had happened.

As she watched them for a moment, though, she couldn't help but notice how stiffly they all seemed to walk, or how jumpy they were at everything that was going on around them with the sort of precision and regimen that Starfleet expected. Kana couldn't help but find that a little odd, especially if they were meant to be experience, but again it could be down to nerves. Eventually though they seemed to get their bearings and went about their way, and once they were gone the Executive Officer thought it best to be on her way too. Holding the watercolour painting in her hands, she took one last glance down at it again and smiled, before heading off back to the Cargo Bays.


Cmdr. Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Executive Officer & Chief Counsellor
U.S.S. Poseidon


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