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Working out is hard to do.

Posted on Thursday October 8th, 2020 @ 11:42pm by Lieutenant Damian Kane
Edited on on Monday October 12th, 2020 @ 7:10pm

1,859 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: S1-A1-Ep. 1: Spectrophobia
Location: Deck 6 Holodeck 4
Timeline: Current

"The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus"
-Bruce Lee-


Damian Kane was had just left the Chapel. He was in his Orange habit. and wearing traditional attire for a man of his position. A Buddhist Monk. He was carrying his staff. People just assume it was a trapping of his office. But, in reality it was an accessory that he just loved to use. He was walking to a place where he knew he should visit more. But, he believe it or not, the job of the Ship's Chaplain can get busy at times. I mean, his new Chaplain's Asst. Sarah is great. She is really learning how to manage a Chapel. she prepares the services and does all the administrative duties. That leaves Damian free to, well, minister. All in all, she is working out great. It was a short walk to Damian's final destination.

He finally came to Holodeck 4. Damian smiled. He was looking forward to this for a few days. And he knew that he had booked this time specifically for what he was about to do. He had a whole hour to look forward to. He activated the holodeck controls.

"Computer, load exercise program Kane 3"

The computer beeped and chirped. =/\= Specify desired location. =/\= The computer queried.

Kane thought for a second. "The ruines of the Temple of Bortis on Setlik 4." Said Kane. "Make it, in summertime. And let me give the order to start. Oh, and computer, please adjust the safety controls to the lowest possible setting without raising any alarms."

The doors to the holodeck opened. =/\= Enter when ready. =/\= The computer said.

There was very little left of a temple left. Maybe a piece of one wall, no roof at all, And a half busted alter. But, it was on a cliff side. The view of the over looking valley was spectacular. there was some rubble that might have been bench seating. But mostly all off the ruins were covered in moss. It was clear that this temple was abandoned long ago. In it's own way, it was beautiful. Like peace had finally come. And nature had allowed this once sacred place to rest. It was nestled right into a wooded area beside the cliff. One person could easily miss it IF they did not know it was there. Behind the busted alter was a statue of the ancient deity Bortis. From what research that could be done, it was believed he was the God of Prosperity. Damian could think of no better place for what he had planned. He walked up to the alter and knelt at it. As if saying a small prayer. Something that was obviously not done here in a very long time. He placed his staff to his side. And waited for a brief second. He breathed in....then out. In...then out. until finally he said....."Computer, begin level 1"

From out of the woods, 2 angry Nausicans sprang fourth. The both stood on either side. They hissed and laughed at Damian "Humans have no Gramba." Said the first one. And came at Damian. Damian rolled out of the way. He grabbed his staff and tripped the first Nausican with it. The Nausican went falling to the ground. Damian did a shoulder roll and got to his feet. The second Nausican drew a dagger and attacked. But Damian used his trusty staff again and disarmed him. Shifting his weight, Damian managed to swing behind the second Nausican and struck him with 2 blows. One at the shoulder blades and one at the back of the head. This caused the second Nausican to crumble to the ground. By this time, the first Nausican was up and ready to jump back into the frey. Damian used his staff like a pole vaulter and closed the distance between the two of them. Damian started swinging his staff like a a figure 8 pattern in front of him. Hitting the Nausican mainly in his chest and face. when Damian was convinced the Nausican was stunned, he planted the pole and used it to support a swing kick that sent the Nausican flying. And I mean almost right off the cliff face. Damian turned to find the second Nausican right behind him. Damian raised his staff so it was parallel to his chest. The Nausican grabbed the staff with both hands. Damian let go of it completely. Only to start to give experianced martial arts punches to the Nausicans torso and stomach. Damian's attacks came hard and fast. until the Nausican collapsed. But, before he did, Damian grabbed his staff. The two Nausican's were down. Damian caught his breath for a second. Then......"Computer, begin level 2"

From the four corners of the temple materialized four Klingons. One carried a Bat'leth. One carried a pair of Meg'leths. One carried a Klingon pain stick. And the last carried a Klingon blaster. The one with the Bat'leth charged first. The Klingon's attack was with an upper, over the head, downward attack. Damian managed to use his staff and bash the Klingon's wrists. The Bat'leth went flying. and the Klingon still came attacking with 2 broken wrists. Damian struck his a three times with his staff in the face and the first Klingon went down. The second Klingon with the Meg'leths then attacked. Damian raised his staff in defense. But the Meg'leths turned Damian's staff into toothpicks with ease. Damian had no choice but to go hand to hand. The Klingon came in swinging his weapons in a figure 8 motion. But that is when Damian collapsed to the ground and attacked the Klingon's legs. The Klingon tumbled and fell on his stomach. The Klingon lost one Meg'leth, but still retained the other in his hand. Damian climbed on the back of the Klingon, grabbed the Meg'leth out of his hand and grabbed the back of the Klingon's head. with lightning speed, Damian slit his throat. Then, rolled over still holding onto the Klingon. He used the dying Klingon in his hands as a shield for shot from the blaster that was just fired at his from the third Klingon. Damian then hurled the Meg'leth and hit the Klingon in the Blaster arm sending the blaster flying. Then, the fourth Klingon tried his hand. his weapon was the Klingon pain stick. Damian rolled to his feet. His main strategy was to avoid this pain stick. the advanced and thrusted the weapon. and Damian just avoided it. dodging out of the way of the business end of it. Until he noticed the first Klingon, the one with the broken wrists, was up and jumping back in. Damian allowed the first Klingon to get behind him. It looked like Damian was surrounded. But Damian jumped up and did a flip in the air, landing on his feet behind the Klingon with the pain stick. Damian then pushed the Klingon, and the two Klingons were both taken out by the one pain stick. Damian turned to the last Klingon. The one who was bleeding from his blaster arm. He had his Klingon dagger now. And was coming at Damian. Damian managed to grab the arm with the dagger, and with his other hand ram his thumb in the open stab wound. The Klingon tried to beat on Damian's back. But that did not last long. Damian managed to get the Dagger out of the Klingons hand. And with his elbow, Damian knocked the Klingon unconscious with a blow to the jaw. Damian stood there holding the Klingon Dagger. He was winded. "Wow, I just might be getting to old for this." He said to himself. "Computer, begin level 3"

Damian stood for a second in sheer silence. Not a sound. "This can't be good." He thought, as he dropped to the ground and rolled just in time to save himself from a phaser blast. Damian looked, and just at the entrance to the temple in walked five figures dressed in full Federation Marine battle armor. Immediately Damian decided he needed room and took off into the wooded are. The figures followed him in. They were in a single line formation. Each about 9 feet apart, They were armed with standard Federation phaser rifles. They moved with a practiced silence as they hunted their prey. In this case, Damian. They went thirty feet in dense bush.

"Scan the area." Said the section leader.

It was the responsibility usually of the last man to do the scanning for the section. But, there was no reply. The section leader looked back.

"Sound off" He said. And the men answered in turn "1 said the leader. 2 said the man behind him. 3 said the next man. 4 said the man after that." But, there was no number 5. The section leader wondered what happened to his fifth man. Was the section compromised?

"Close ranks to 5 feet per man. Keep the man ahead of you in sight at all times." Said the section leader. "We will look for number 5 man when we catch this guy. Lets go." He said.

The section moved another twenty feet. Again, in dense bush. "Lets have a scan." Said the section leader. Again, silence. "Oh no....Sound off. 1 said the Leader. 2 came the next man. 3 came the man after that." and that is where it ended. The section leader just lost 2 men in a radius of fifty feet.

"All round defensive, now!" He ordered and the remaining 3 men started advancing in while in a circle formation. From out of what seems like nowhere, from a tree top. Damian landed on the shoulders of one man. in what seemed like a single motion he ripped off the mans helmet and using his legs Damian pointed the man in the direction of another one of the section. The rifle went off hitting the second man square in the chest. with the helmet off of the man who's shoulders he landed on, it was easy for Damian to use his legs to snap the man's neck. and then jump back in the dense bush. The squad leader was all alone. and chased after Damian. He chased Damian for another ten feet. until he cam to a shallow stream. The section leader entered the water. It was about waist deep. He got half way, when he suddenly slipped in. Then, after a what looked like a struggle under the water, the pool calmed. only to find Damian Kane come out with a Klingon dagger in his teeth smiling.

Damian waded out of the water. He took the Dagger out of his mouth. "Computer, begin level..." And then an alarm went off. It was the alarm to tell him that his time was up.

"Oh, it was JUST getting good." Damian said. "Okay, Computer save program." And with that everything disappeared. Over in the corner was the remains of his busted staff. "You might as well recycle all matter left in here." He said watching what was left of his staff beam away.

"Great, that was my best staff too." He said as the holodeck doors opened and he exited going back to the Chapel.


Lt. Damian Kane
Ship's Chaplain
USS Poseidon


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