Deck Listing

Weapons Pod - Level A (Center of Rollbar) · Mega-Phaser Housing (End of Rollbar, x2) · Weapons Pod - Level B (Center of Rollbar) · Weapons Pod - Level C (Center of Rollbar) · Weapons Pylon (Rollbar Support Pylon, x2) · Deck 01 · Deck 02 · Deck 03 · Deck 04 · Deck 05 · Deck 06 · Deck 07 · Deck 08 · Upper Nacelle Pylon (x2) · Deck 09 · Lower Nacelle Pylon (x2) · Deck 10 · Warp Nacelles (x2)

Weapons Pod - Level A (Center of Rollbar)

Traditionally the Miranda-classes weapons pod housed not only the Photon Torpedo tubes that made the Miranda-class a formidable opponent, but also the components required for Electronic Warfare and Electronic Counter-Measures. Since its overhaul and refit, the U.S.S. Poseidon maintains these systems albeit in updated form. The weapons pod itself is comprised of three "levels", consisting of different applications and parts.

Level A Components:
x1 Targeting Sensor
x2 Vertical Jefferies Tube
x1 Electromagnetic/Tachyonic Warfare Systems Bay
x1 Electromagnetic/Tachyonic Warfare Antenna Bay

Mega-Phaser Housing (End of Rollbar, x2)

The Mega-Phaser housing served at one point in the history of the U.S.S. Poseidon as a mount for a heavy phaser. Since its complete overhaul and refit, the Mega-Phaser housings still exist on both ends of its rollbar, but now serve as placements for more modern and reliable phaser cannons.

Specifications for each Mega-Phaser Housing:
x1 Type VII Phaser Cannon (fore of housing)
x1 Type VII Phaser Cannon (aft of housing)

Weapons Pod - Level B (Center of Rollbar)

Traditionally the Miranda-classes weapons pod housed not only the Photon Torpedo tubes that made the Miranda-class a formidable opponent, but also the components required for Electronic Warfare and Electronic Counter-Measures and the majority of the ships defensive systems. Since its overhaul and refit, the U.S.S. Poseidon maintains these systems albeit in updated form. The weapons pod itself is comprised of three "levels", consisting of different applications and parts.

Level B traditionally held, according to previous pre-refit designs of the U.S.S. Poseidon, the shield generators. Seen a design flaw to include it on an easily destroyable part of the ship, since the refit these generators critical to the ships survival have been moved to the ship proper on deck 5.

Level B Components:
x2 Vertical Jefferies Tube
x4 Photon Torpedo Launch Bay (2 fore/2 aft)
x1 Inter-ship Transport Target Compartment

Weapons Pod - Level C (Center of Rollbar)

Traditionally the Miranda-classes weapons pod housed not only the Photon Torpedo tubes that made the Miranda-class a formidable opponent, but also the components required for Electronic Warfare and Electronic Counter-Measures and the majority of the ships defensive systems. Since its overhaul and refit, the U.S.S. Poseidon maintains these systems albeit in updated form. The weapons pod itself is comprised of three "levels", consisting of different applications and parts.

Level C Components:
x2 Vertical Jefferies Tube
x1 Torpedo Magazine Bay Compartment (Photon)

Weapons Pylon (Rollbar Support Pylon, x2)

The Weapons Pylon supports the Mega-Phaser Housing and the Rollbar as the attachment to the hull of the ship. There are two weapons pylons, one on each end of the rollbar directly above the warp nacelles.

Components per pylon:
x1 Warp Drive Plasma Feed Conduit
x1 Vertical Jefferies Tube

Deck 01

The first deck of the Miranda-class is comprised, most importantly, of the bridge. Since the overhaul and update of the U.S.S. Poseidon, many compartments were moved or adjusted to better fit the needs of a more modern era. An example of this is the docking port that once existed on the aft of the bridge has since been moved and integrated to other parts of the ships. It was considered to be a weak point in the structure and security of the bridge and its operations.

Deck 1 Layout:
-Captain's Ready Room
-Bridge's Foyer [Can act as Bridge's Briefing Room]
-Bridge's Head/Officer's Prep Area [x1 Restroom]
-Dorsal Tactical Scanner/Sensor Suite

Deck 02

In the original versions of the Miranda-class, the second deck was used to house the Combat Information Center and various essential components to provide the bridge was the necessary information to operate the ship. Since the overhaul and update of the U.S.S. Poseidon, many systems that were once separated have become integrated due to the advancement of modern technology, allowing for the expansion of Deck 2 to accommodate the Captain's and Senior Officer's Quarters as well as the operations center for the Intelligence Department - among other additions.

From Deck 2 onward it should be noted that the decks span the entirety of the ship. Deck 2 notable due to its many expansions included in overhauls to accommodate integrated systems and departments as well as functionality. Compositions of the layout include the specific departments and areas of the ship spanning these decks listed and does not reflect a singular area of the ship.

Deck 2 Layout:
-Combat Information Center
(Includes: Fightercraft Control, Communications Control & Cryptography [Ships Intelligence Department], Fleet Movement Status Display, Data Management, Internal Systems Control, Ship's Systems Status Display, Damage Control)
-Intelligence Department Stations (Integrated within Communications Control & Cryptography)
-Senior Officers Quarters (x5)
-Captain's Quarters
-Officers' Observation Lounge - High Bay
-Head (x4 Restrooms)
-Damage Control Locker (x1)

Deck 03

Deck 3 is considered to be the "officers walk", due in no large part to its composition of officer-related areas such as the Officers Dining Room, Officers Galley, and the Officers Lounge.

Deck 3 Layout:
-Officers' Galley and Dining Room
-Officers' Observation Lounge
-Officers' Lounge
-Freezer (Reefer)
-Guest Quarters
-Battery Compartment
-Flight Crew Bunkrooms (x4 3-tier Bunk Bunkrooms)
-Squadron Officer's Complex (x3)
(Includes Squadron Officer's Office, Pilot's Ready Room, Flight Sergeant's Office)
-Head (x9 Restroom)
-Damage Control Locker (x2)
-RCS Control Thruster Bay (x2)
-Impulse Engineering Complex
-Impulse Drive Manifold Compartment (Upper Level)
-Main Engineering (Deuterium Injector Bay)
-Cryogenic Gas Tankage (x2)
-Primary Sensor Array
-Auxiliary Communications Array
-Fighter Flight Simulator Room
-Shuttle Parking Bay (Upper Level)

Deck 04

Deck 4 at one point in the U.S.S. Poseidons history consisted of the Officers Quarters, and various other essential and non-essential systems. Since its overhaul and update, Deck 4 has been brought into line with modern Starfleet standards for the Miranda Class.

Deck 4 Layout:
-Officers' Quarters (x14)
-Damage Control Locker (x2)
-Head (x4 Restroom)
-Gymnasium (Upper Level)
-Recreational Lounge/Bar (Upper Level)
-Astrometric/Stellar Cartography
-Main Engineering Complex
(Includes: Propulsion and Warp Core, Dilithium Chamber, Major Systems and Subsystems Diagnostics & Workshops, Isolation Suit Locker, Damage Control & Emergency Supplies Locker, Battery Compartment)
-Life Support & Battery Compartment
-Inorganic Synthesizer Compartment
-Long Range Sensor Bay (Upper Level) (x2)
-Engineering Labs
-Secondary Stores
-Cargo Bay Control Booth (x2)
-Main Cargo Bay (Upper Level)
-Shuttle Parking Bay (Main Level) (x2)
-Shuttlebay Environmental Systems Bay
-Shuttlebay Pressure Curtain Force-field Generator Compartment (x2)
-Impulse Drive Manifold Compartment (Lower Level)
-Shuttlecraft Tractor Beam Bay (Upper Level) (x4)
-Dorsal Phaser System (x3)

Deck 05

Since the refit and overhaul of the U.S.S. Poseidon, Deck 5 has become a very important part of the ship. Shield generators were moved from the Weapons Pod to Deck 5 to prevent loss of shields if the rollbar were to be destroyed. Additionally, for the U.S.S. Poseidon's new mission parameters of anti-piracy, Marine Detachment compartments were added to Deck 5. A holodeck was also added to this deck

Deck 5 Layout:
-Officers Quarters (x4)
-Junior Officers' Quarters (x10)
-Holodecks 1-2
-Organic Synthesis Compartment (x4)
-Long Range Sensor Bay (Main Level) (x2)
-Head (x9 Restrooms)
-Damage Control Locker (x2)
-Marine Facilities (Situated in unused cargo area near Gymnasium)
-Marine Armory (Situated in unused cargo area near Gymnasium)
-Recreational Lounge/Bar (Main Level)
-Gymnasium (Main Level)
-Escape Pods (x28)
-Main Engineering (Warp Core)
-Deuterium Fill Port
-Deuterium Tankage (Upper Level)
-Rollbar Access Points
-Waste Reclamation Systems
-Transporter Buffer Bay
-Main Cargo Bay (Mid-Level)
-Escape Shuttle Parking Bay (Upper Level) (x2)
-Shuttlebay (Upper Level) (x2)
-Shuttlebay Pass-through (Upper Level)
-Shuttlebay Control Booth (x2)
-Fighter Parking Bay (Main Level) (x4)
-Ambulance Shuttle Parking Bay (Upper Level) (x2)
-Shuttlecraft Tractor Beam Bay (Upper Level) (x4)
-Main Tractor Beam
-SIF/IDF/Shield Generator Compartments
-Dorsal Phaser System Turret Compartment (Main Level) (x3)

Deck 06

Since the refit and overhaul of the U.S.S. Poseidon, Deck 6 has had few minor changes.

Deck 6 Layout:
-Officers Quarters (x10)
-Crew Mess Hall/Lounge
-Forward Observation Lounge
-Crew Bunkrooms (x6 with 18 bunks each)
-Crew Bunkrooms (x14 with 12 bunks each)
-Briefing Room (x2)
-Diplomatic Corps Offices (x2)
-Intelligence Department Offices (x1) [rotating areas]
-Senior Officer's Complex/Yeoman's Office [Includes XO's/2XO's Ready Room]
-Junior Officer's Complex/Office's [In Unassigned Room on Layout, includes Operation's Offices]
-Foodstuff Stasis Compartment (x2)
-Science Labs (x10)
-Chief Science Officer's Office
-Counselling Offices
-Holodecks 3-4
-Head (x4 Restroom)
-Damage Control Locker (x2)
-Main Gangway & Retractable Sleeve
-Aft Tactical Sensor
-Main Engineering (Antimatter Injector)
-Deuterium Tankage (Mid Level)
-General Cargo Bay (High Bay)
-Escape Shuttle Parking Bay (Main Level) (x2)
-Main Cargo Bay (Main Level)
-Cargo Transporter Bay (x2)
-Emergency Transporter Room
-Airlock (Cargo Bay - Shuttlebay) (x2)
-Shuttlebay (Main Level) (x2)
-Shuttlebay Pass-through (Main Level)
-Fighter Parking Bay (Main Level) (x4)
-Workbee Parking Bay (x2)
-Ambulance Shuttle Parking Bay (Main Level) (x2)
-EPS Relay/Battery Compartment

Deck 07

Deck 7 changed little from the overhaul to U.S.S. Poseidon. Minor changes did occur, however, such as rearrangement of individual departments.

Deck 7 Layout:
-Forward Observation Lounge (Sub-Level)
-Security Offices
-Sickbay Complex
-Chief Medical Officer's Office
-Transporter Room (x4)
-Primary Stores
-Escape Pod (x86)
-Head (x4 Restroom)
-Damage Control Locker (x2)
-RCS Control Thruster Bay - Main Level (x2)
-Emergency Life-Support Compartment (x2)
-Battery Compartment (x2)
-Plasma Relay Compartment (x2)
-Main Engineering (Antimatter Containment Bay)
-Reverse Thrust Impulse Manifold Bay (x2)
-Deuterium Processing Compartment
-Deuterium Tankage (Main Level)
-Water Tankage Bay (x4)
-Cryogenic Fluid Tankage Bay (x4)
-Shuttle Elevator Machinery Bay (x2)
-Landing Pad Bay (x4)

Deck 08

Deck 8 experienced a major rearrangement following the overhaul and now falls in line with modern Starfleet standards for the Miranda-class. The most obvious change was the location of the computer core for the U.S.S. Poseidon. Pre-refit, the computer core was located between decks 1-9. Since the advancement of modern technology assisted with miniturization of once-bulky devices, an updated computer core was installed on the U.S.S. Poseidon freeing up vast amounts of deck space. The computer core now fits snugly within the confines of Decks 8-9, with the main access on Deck 8.

Deck 8 Layout:
-Airlock/Docking Port & EVA Suit Locker Bay (x2)
-Transporter Buffer/Plasma Relay/Battery Compartment (x2)
-Main Computer Core Deck 1 and Access
-Emergency Transporter Room
-Transporter Reciever Bay (x2)
-Damage Control Locker (x2)
-Head (x2 Restroom)
-Auxiliary Sensory Array

Upper Nacelle Pylon (x2)

There are two portions to the supporting pylon that attaches and securely holds the Warp Nacelles to the U.S.S. Poseidon. Commonly referred to as "Nacelle Pylons", only critical ship systems flow through these areas, with the addition of jefferies tubes for crew access. Specifications listed apply to both sides of the ship.

Upper Nacelle Pylon Layout (both sides):
x1 Warp Drive Plasma Feed Conduit
x1 Vertical Jefferies Tube

Deck 09

Deck 9 at one time in the history of the U.S.S. Poseidon housed the observation lounge. That has since been moved to Deck 4 to better fit a more modern layout for the Miranda class.

Deck 9 Layout:
-Main Computer Core Deck 2
-Ship's Laundry Compartment
-Damage Control Locker (x1)
-Ventral Observation Deck
-Head (x1 Restroom)

Lower Nacelle Pylon (x2)

There are two portions to the supporting pylon that attaches and securely holds the Warp Nacelles to the U.S.S. Poseidon. Commonly referred to as "Nacelle Pylons", only critical ship systems flow through these areas, with the addition of jefferies tubes for crew access. Specifications listed apply to both sides of the ship.

Lower Nacelle Pylon Layout (both sides):
x1 Warp Drive Plasma Feed Conduit
x1 Vertical Jefferies Tube

Deck 10

Deck 10 at one time housed critical sensor suites for the ship. Due to the advancement of modern technology, these outdated sensor suits have since been miniaturized and compacted into more modern systems, thus freeing up extensive space on Deck 10.

Deck 10 Layout:
-Main Communications Array
-Tactical Scanner Bay
(Includes x1 Ventral Tactical Scanner/Sensor Suite, x4 Lateral Tactical Scanner/Sensor Suite)

Warp Nacelles (x2)

The Warp Nacelles are a critical component of any starship. Other than upgrades to older systems, very little has changed in the composition of the warp nacelles on the U.S.S. Poseidon.

Warp Nacelles Layout (both sides):
x1 Vertical Jefferies Tube
x1 Ionizing Beam Emitter Bay
x1 Magnetic Field Generator/Collector Bay
x1 Continuous Cycle Fractionator & Deuterium Chiller Bay
x1 Warp Coil & Plasma Injector Bay
x1 Off-Axis Field Coil Bay
x1 RCS Control Thruster Bay