
Slight Changes

Posted on Wednesday October 9th, 2024 @ 10:44am by Captain Naomi Griffiths

Greetings Crew of the Poseidon

Now the Changeover is complete and other things sorted out, I can safely announce that the sim formatting and such as you have all come to know and use will NOT change.

Also, Lt Col Graydon will be remaining as my First Officer, but as I mentioned in Discord Channel (Cmd Staff one) the 3, 4 and or 5XO positions will be removed, most ships only ever have a 2XO at most

The Department Heads and Deputy Heads that currently exist WILL remain as is, however, there are some things I would like to clarify, these are what I expect from my Department Heads, and Away Team Leaders.

Department Heads

All the Department Heads will be required to actively run their departments, I will NOT micromanage you in that, they are your Departments, and most of the said departments have plenty to do outside of mission posts, so the potential for Solo and JP Posts is there and this also helps kill the time while you are waiting for tags. Also as Heads of Departments, you will be expected to rely upon your Deputies IF you have them and get them working IC'ly.

Any Questions on this please DM me.

Away Team Leaders

ALL Away Team leaders will be responsible for their part of an assigned Away Team mission, now as long as you do not go too far out there with objective ideas, then have fun being creative, but please keep all ideas on Away Missions within potential and standard missions and Trek norms.

Any questions on this please DM me

Stuff that was set up on Discord like Community Moderators and such will NOT be touched and will remain as I have no intention of changing them. A larger ship means a larger crew over time, but also Better quality quarters, everyone will have decent-sized quarters to themselves and no bunk beds or mass sleeping rooms for the Enlisted, you all get your own suite with a Nebula Class.


Now I have noticed we have some Marine characters on the sim, as from what memory serves they have not had much to do, so in the spirit of Voyager: Elite Force Unit we have a Spec Ops Unit known as RRF or Rapid Reaction Force, this will consist of 24 Marines:

1 Unit CO
1 XO
2 SNCO's
4 NCO's
16 Enlisted Marines

There will be one troop shuttle for their use when transporters are not feasible. Also, we have a Squadron of Gryphon Class Fighters 12 in number, these will act in a dual capacity as part of the RRF and as Combat Air Patrol, recon and Ground support, although the missions we tend to do will not be used that often.

Due to the size of the crew some of you WILL be expected to do Bridge duty as in man some bridge duty Stations, this will allow you to have a larger part in posting. Also if the need arises I will allow PC NCOs to work bridge stations.

As of now Poseidon is back at SB 47 and you are currently all on leave, also there will be an assembly post where the new Captain will speak to you IC'ly, this is where you will all be notified that the Ageing Miranda Class Poseidon is being decommissioned and the Poseidon A a Nebula Class ship will be their new home.

This Nebula will be fresh from the construction Yards, it has enhanced Phasers and the latest 2396 Starfleet tech inside of it, best of all she will not be held together with duct tape and spit, she will be brand new straight from Utopia Planitia so a Shakedown cruise will be required.

Now with my taking command of the Poseidon-A, I will be writing out my Lt Cmdr William's character, all this will be handled IC'ly so WIlliams will be leaving the ship, so I will be assigning a new CEO and so far only one person has expressed their desire to take the post.

I am pleased to announce that after conversing with the XO Lt Cmdr Stevens will be the new CEO of the Poseidon-A again this will be dealt with IC'ly, so until then Discord Department name is to REMAIN AS IS, until it is done IC'ly.

Any questions on this please feel free to DM me


As I mentioned in Discord I am not new to the Command position, I have held TFCO post, I command my own sim, I also have over 17 years of Command experience, and I also do not bite. Also after a settlement period I want to try something with the Poseidon that I have done with my own crew, those crew who are on this sim will know about it, but until then business is normal also my COmmand style is different.

So please sim your characters on SB 47, if you choose to mention the cut-short mission I am okay with that, but as of now you are all on Shore Leave, I will be doing a JP with the XO for the IC Handover and such then the New mission will begin. It will start out as a Shakedown Cruise, but Shakedown has never encountered unforeseen events!!! At the right time, I will DM or PM one of you to come up with a small crisis of sorts that we all have to react to.


Captain Naomi Griffiths
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon NCC 42635-A



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