Captain Naomi Griffiths

Name Naomi Sylam Lanypa Griffiths

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain


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Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Bajoran
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 6ft
Weight 170lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tall, Athletic, well-toned physique


Spouse None
Children None
Father Samuel Lloyd Griffiths
Mother Sylan Lanypa
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family All Living on Bajor or Earth

Personality & Traits

General Overview Her mental Disposition:

She is quiet but mischievous and likes to pull pranks. She has a dirty and warped sense of humour until she gets to know people. She is very shy and the exact opposite of the average blood Bajoran, but she does love a good scrap. Naomi has also trained in Wakizashi blade combat and mastered the Katana Blade. She is a quick learner when she is interested in something.


Martial Arts:

Black Belt 4th Dan Karate
Kickboxing Black 2nd Dan
Tai Chi - Novice

Combat Skills:

Basic Recon Specialization/Sniper
Starfleet Basic Unarmed Combat
Wakizashi twin blades
Starfleet Combat knife
Advanced Recon and Sniper skills
Qualified and Cleared to Use TR-116 Rifle

Linguistic Skills:

Federation Standard
Strengths & Weaknesses + Smart
+ Brave
+ Determined
+ Loyal

- Stubborn
- Overthinking
- Illogical
- Alpha Type Personality
Ambitions To be a good Officer and do her job well
Hobbies & Interests Likes: Pizza, Lamb Kebab, Old Cartoons, Late 20th and Early 21st Century Music, Latest and Retro Fashionable clothes.

Dislikes: Whiners, lawbreakers, not fond of Cardassian's


Holodeck Combat Training

Personal History Bio:

Naomi Sylan Lanypa Griffiths was born in the Bajoran Provence to a Bajoran Father and Human Mother on 23rd August 2353, she has no siblings and she also has no emotional baggage, she has found Marine life easier to cope with. Naomi spent the first five years of her life in a Bajoran School then studied human history and subjects and passed high, and as such is not as dull as she makes out to be, her demeanour disarms people until she strikes or gets mad. Since she has been at her current post, she has gone from Marine Captain to Major and has some large missions under her belt and some newly acquired baggage, all emotional. Her easy life experiences and her more, tougher ones have caused her to become eccentric and unpredictable in some aspects of her life. Recently a spot came up on a Cadet manned ship, it needed a new Commanding Officer, so she was offered the post, even though she would have to change departments she accepted the position, but found the four pips strange and what a promotion bump up, still being a First Officer was one thing, commanding a ship would be a whole new ball game.

Early Life:

Naomi spent her time Living on Bajor or on Earth, her Father was a Starfleet Officer and her Mother a former Bajoran Freedom Fighter, while she was not a child during the Cardassian occupation, she did have the innate stigma of not fully trusting or liking the Cardassian's, she was never rude to their children and got on well with them, but she quickly learned not to ruffle feathers, otherwise she had the type of early life that her mother never had.

Young Life:

During her teenage years, she picked up some language skills and did well in school, Bajor was no longer showing occupational scars not physically, such scars would not heal overnight when she came of age she had become restless and joined the Starfleet Marines and went to OCS at the Academy at 17 and half standard years of age.

Past Mission(s):

Naomi took part in a Starfleet Intelligence Undercover Operation not long after completing basic training, but the SF Intel Controller had been compromised, so Naomi's first stint undercover did not go well. If not for her unarmed combat ability she would have ended up a prisoner. But the events of this mission shook her badly and she has never reacted the same way since, so she tries to refrain from going on such missions. But when the need arises she does it, even if she is a little clumsy, her commitment to the mission she goes on is there.
Service Record Professional History

238001.01: - Entered Starfleet Academy.
238409.09: - Graduated Starfleet Academy at the rank of 2nd Lt.
238505.09: - Took Part in a Spec Ops Mission which like all Intelligence run Operations went south due to lack of information.
238602.15: - Posted to Starbase 246 and promoted to First Lieutenant.
238701.15: - Went on some advanced training where Advanced Recon and Sniper skills were learned.
238801.24: - Promoted to Marine Captain
238904.29: - Posted to Starbase 38
239008.10: - Promoted to Major and assigned to Bajor
239101.01: - Finished training and applied for a posting to Starbase 332.
239106.15: - Granted a posting to Starbase 332 as Assistant Marine Commanding Officer.
239209.01: - Made Marine Commanding Officer
239210.20: - Posted back to earth for Command training
239307.01: - Assigned to the USS Pennsylvania as First Officer
239311.25:- Returned to Alpha Quadrant
239610.11:- Promoted and changed departments to command the USS Poseidon