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Congratulations & Updates

Posted on Monday February 12th, 2024 @ 3:52pm by Captain Franklin Johnson

Hey Folks,

I'd like to first start off by having a huge CONGRATULATIONS to our very own Lieutenant Commander Ky'la De'Lenn! Ky'La is on multiple sims along with this one and serves on both sims I own and operate. They are a very dedicated, passionate, and committed player who has over the years displayed awesome potential for community and professional teambuilding. They are, in my opinion, the bar in which is displayed acceptable crew-like behavior and dedication and have continued to display through-out the years! Recently, however, they've endured some medical setbacks that while I will not go into, have indeed been relayed to me personally. Ky'La, to me, is a very good friend and person that has built this sim with the community over its existence. It is my greatest honor, therefore, to congratulate them for making Player of the Month for January 2024 for Theta Fleet!

I submitted Ky'La for consideration because of their hardships they have endured and, despite these hardships, the constant positivity and overall dedication displayed to the community. I could not be here in this sim, with this attitude and positivity, without players like Ky'La who have taught me to appreciate the passion and - at times - differences of opinions that help shape our sims and communities. From the bottom of my heart, Ky'La, thank YOU very much and sincerest congratulations! I hope your health continues to improve and we have the honor of you being among us for many years to come!

Moving on, the USS Poseidon was one of three sims awarded the Bronze Unit of Distinction for Area 51 in Theta Fleet! This demonstrates to the fleet our dedication as a community of friendly, loving, and passionate players and solidifies the sims significance thanks to YOUR contributions! The Poseidon Community would not even be a community without players like yourselves and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for making it, helping to make it, and helping to create within it the future of our community!

Lastly, we are entering the final phases of our start-up JP which has had a few wrenches thrown into it! The JP, "Onward to Andoria", is turning out to be fantastic fun and I hope to see this as a common template for the future! Keep up the good work everyone!

Sincerely & With Appreciation,
Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


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