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Promotions and Updates: February 9th, 2020

Posted on Sunday February 9th, 2020 @ 3:24pm by Captain Franklin Johnson
Edited on Sunday February 9th, 2020 @ 3:38pm

Crew of the USS Poseidon,

I greet you now in my first announcement as Captain of a Starship within Pegasus Fleet. It is a great honor for me to have this promotion, an achievement impossible without the hard work and dedication exhibited by my crew. You all represent the best qualities within Pegasus Fleet, a fact that I am more proud of as the days go by. As selfish a statement as that may be, and as proud as I am of other Commanding Officers and crew who are dear friends, I cannot and will not ignore said contributions by my crew and ship and the excellence they have performed to bring us here to this point. I look forward to serving you in our continued service to not only the story you help us create, but the contributions we as a community and sim bring to Pegasus Fleet. Without you, none of this would be possible.

To that end, I as Commanding Officer cannot in good faith extend my promotion to that only of myself, for even if I am warranted of said promotion, I cannot also in good faith take it upon myself as a success alone. That success belongs to all of you, who bring upon this sim and community the successes and ability of the Command Staff to act upon that success and build further our community sim to the heights it has seen. I have decided, therefore, that promotions are in order for those among us who have contributed and sacrificed the most for this community, as players, as human beings, and that these promotions are valid and warranted after deep discussions among the Command Staff. Whereupon decided and agreed, I have acted accordingly.

To those not promoted, to not despair. I have decided that the difference in promotions and awards should be visible and clear, and I wish to clarify to you that to also clear away any confusion. As you may be aware, the USS Poseidon holds probably the most awards within Pegasus Fleet - not without reason. These awards exist so I and the Command Staff can appropriately celebrate both In and Out Of Character achievements of our players and show support to those players as they contribute and excel within our sim. Sometimes they are given freely, especially concerning awards of longevity and marking a point of progression - sometimes rarely, in cases of the writers award and Captain's Merit. In either case, the awards exist on this ship to celebrate and provide merit to all my crew, for all possibilities, and to act accordingly to celebrate achievements and story progression where necessary.

Promotions, on the other hand, are something that I consider to be far more important and Out of Character. I seek to make the promotions a personal affair, that of special recognition and achievement that, when compounded by prior achievements and progression, warrant the special recognition and advancement of station with further responsibilities as not only the character grows, but also the player. To that end, this marks the separation between awards and promotions in my eyes, that thereby where an award would recognize the general achievements which are themselves special and duly warranted of recognition, promotions instead look to give special recognition to compounded achievements which usher in further success and growth for the community as a whole. I hope this explains my understanding and properly explains why I separate promotions and awards as I do.

Special circumstances story-wise do exist for promotions, and I am always open to a good story progression warranting in character promotion situations which also extend out of character. I consider these circumstances rare, but not unwarranted nor out of consideration.

To those not promoted but feeling thusly neglected, do not worry. The Command Staff have you in our sights and we are eagerly awaiting the appropriate time to celebrate your achievements properly. To us, to give out too many promotions at once stagnates the importance of the event, so please continue to offer us your patience and continued diligence to our community. You are all very special to us, as friends and players, and we are always eager to celebrate your successes. Some recognitions, we feel, deserve a slower process to enable all of us a chance to celebrate in those successes.

To that end, onto the promotions and reasonings therein. The following will contain the name of those promoted and the reasonings for that promotion. Please note that promotions, including that of the Captain himself, exist entirely Out of Character until we reach the appropriate story point In Character to present justification for said promotion. This is simply to ensure proper continuity, so please continue to ICly refer to your characters in their prior rank. OOCly you are free to utilize your new privileges.

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1st Promotion: That of Chief Flight Control Officer Lieutenant Freya Mannerheim promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

On behalf of the USS Poseidon's Commanding Officer, this promotion from Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commander is given due to the excellence of dedication, duty, and outstanding achievements by Lieutenant Freya Mannerheim and the player behind the name. It is therefore prudent for the Commanding Officer to notate that this promotion is of a special quality, given accordingly due to the exhibited excellence of the character and player to not only their duty as stated player, but also due to their excellence in plot development and contributions as members of multiple sims. Whereupon joining the USS Poseidon on Friday August 9th, 2019 @ 12:04am US EST as a friend and fellow writer, Lieutenant Freya Mannerheim and the player behind the name has exhibited and performed accordingly to that which is expected of a player warranting excellence, that thereby their excellence and dedication to duty extended to other responsibilities, with their contributions therefore most visible in maintaining activity and story progression. That therefore also has the player achieved great strides despite personal struggles, hardships that span from emotional and physical and all between, to therefore their dedication to maintaining that thereof their duty on other sims including that therefore of the USS Poseidon, whereupon has their dedication and struggles bore fruit in their contributions to not only plot development but also of community oriented kinship and friendship bolstered by their hard work and efforts. That thereby Lieutenant Freya Mannerheim represents a special kind of excellence, rarely exhibited and conducted successfully and with such dedication, warranting therefore not only recognition but also a promotion as seen in the eyes of the Commanding Officer of the USS Poseidon.

So to that does therefore the Commanding Officer of the USS Poseidon, Captain Franklin Shane Johnson, hereby promote Lieutenant Freya Mannerheim and the player behind the name to that of Lieutenant Commander effective immediately upon posting of this promotion on this Day of the Ninth of February, in the Year Two-Thousand and Twenty and thereby represented thereof according to at the time of this posting the relevant date and time In Canon and In Character as agreed upon for the progression of the story and plot.

2nd Promotion: That of Chief Science Officer Lieutenant Canaan Serine promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

On behalf of the USS Poseidon's Commanding Officer, this promotion from Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commander is given due the excellence of community oriented dedication and duty exhibited by Lieutenant Canaan Serine and the player behind the name. That therefore upon their joining of the sim, on Thursday August 15th, 2019 @ 11:27am US EST, has stated player exhibited without fail a wonderful exuberance that has transferred to the crew through not only their personality but also therefore their dedication to player-based interactions. This personality and dedication to duty not only for character progression but that of therefore their inspiration to crew members, led to their promotion from crewmember to Community Moderator on the USS Poseidon discord community whereupon they have continued to faithfully serve as an excellence in standards and community service. That thereby with all these efforts combined has the Commanding Officer of the USS Poseidon seen fit to award this achievement in excellence with a promotion to not only reflect the progression of the character therein, but also the player through their notable struggles and hardships that despite thereof they have given amicable and substantial community dedication that thereby with their notable contributions has assisted the community and sim to flourish.

So to that does therefore the Commanding Officer of the USS Poseidon, Captain Franklin Shane Johnson, hereby promote Lieutenant Canaan Serine and the player behind the name to that of Lieutenant Commander effective immediately upon posting of this promotion on this Day of the Ninth of February, in the Year Two-Thousand and Twenty and thereby represented thereof according to at the time of this posting the relevant date and time In Canon and In Character as agreed upon for the progression of the story and plot.

3rd Promotion: That of First Officer and Chief Counselor Lieutenant Commander Kanaka Shakura to the rank of Commander.

On behalf of the USS Poseidon's Commanding Officer, this promotion from Lieutenant Commander to Commander is given due to the excellent record of diligence and dedication of duty to the ship, crew, community, story, plot, and many other honorable and notable reasons that have coalesced into the very reason the sim exists and continues to function in its present form. As a key member of the Command Staff, Kanaka Shakura and the player behind the name joined the Poseidon on Saturday August 3rd, 2019 @ 4:20am US EST as both a friend and confidant of the Commanding Officer of the ship most notable for their inclusion as a fellow writer and critique of important works elsewhere. Upon their joining, their efforts coalesced into notable contributions warranting that of being promoted and given the first ever Second Officer position on board the USS Poseidon. Most notable is the continued promotion of said character and player, whereupon the fact that after the first ever First Officer of the USS Poseidon, Lieutenant Commander Phoebe Graydon and the player behind the name, stepped down to the ships second ever Second Officer to transition of the equal rank of Major due to personal reasons and story continuity was therefore Kanaka Shakura promoted to that of the ships second ever First Officer due to diligence and dedication of duty with agreement of all parties therein.

Through their diligence and dedication of duty not only to assisting the Commanding Officer with correcting and fixing the plot of the ship, but also providing an excellent avenue for which to explore that plot and offer the opportunity therein for the entire ship to mingle in with the overall plot, the USS Poseidon success as a ship that shares the overall story with its crew has grown beyond possible expectations into the wonderful community it stands to represent as of this Promotion. It cannot be denied that, therefore, without the dedication and time spent - including time strained due to real life reasons that despite thereof the player behind Kanaka Shakura dutifully continued supporting and promoting the success of the community despite said strain - the USS Poseidon would not be in any capacity in the manner of success and community orientation that it stands to represent and function as today.

So to that does therefore the Commanding Officer of the USS Poseidon, Captain Franklin Shane Johnson, hereby promote Lieutenant Command Kanaka Shakura and the player behind the name to that of Commander effective immediately upon posting of this promotion on this Day of the Ninth of February, in the Year Two-Thousand and Twenty and thereby represented thereof according to at the time of this posting the relevant date and time In Canon and In Character as agreed upon for the progression of the story and plot.

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A hearty Congratulations to the players promoted. I look forward to when we can celebrate those promotions in character, writing our excellent joint posts together to continue our successes as a wonderful family and crew!

Moving on, we further have an update to our CoC or Chain Of Command. As agreed upon by the Command Staff in our recent meeting, which pertained also to promotions and other affairs, we therefore present our new established Chain of Command to the crew. The following changes to the CoC are represented by Seniority, and are to be reflected and respected in character whereupon promotions grant that change when they transpire.

The full disclosure and visible Chain of Command can be found here:

Here is a brief summary:
- 1.) Capt. Johnson
- 2.) Cmdr. Shakura
- 3.) Maj. Graydon
- 4.) Master Chief Payne
- 5.) Lt. Cmdr. Mannerheim
- 6.) Lt. Cmdr. Serine
- 7.) Lt. Karn Karn
- 8.) Lt. Mo'Bri
- 9.) Lt. Brinsley
- 10.) Lt. T'vek

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Finally, a personal note from your Captain. Thank you, to all of you! Without you, this sim would be nothing. You all make this sim what it is. We here in the Command Staff decided long ago that we were to undertake this story as you would in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign; we provide the layout and map with general story to be interacted with, the players then decide the course. Every event that has happened, both with players leaving and arriving, has had major and minor influences to the story - most notable that of Pavan when he left and his characters fate and how it interacted with our story.

You all performed so excellent, so wonderfully, so naturally and organically that you not only shaped the outcome of that event but also molded our future story progression. You are all awesome people, and I love you all as family on this sim. I thank you for sacrificing some time of your days, your life, to make this sim what it is today. Without you, none of this would be possible. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart!

I look forward to serving you for many months and years to come, to celebrate our successes together, and share on those successes as we grow into a vibrant and unique community that stands out within Pegasus Fleet; a community of players, a community of individuals who help write a unique story and progress their characters, a family that supports and encourages each other to be better and grow into the writers and individuals we all know we truly can be.

You are all awesome, each in your own unique way, and each adding to our wonderful community in their own special and wonderful way. Thank you!

Yours truly,
Captain Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


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