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The State of the Sim: Holiday Edition

Posted on Sunday December 22nd, 2019 @ 6:20pm by Captain Franklin Johnson

Hey Crew,

I'll keep this brief as Number One will be handing out their excellent news bits sometime within the week, but the short of it is that we've had a considerably noticeable sick season with the crew - myself included and the Command Staff, along with several crew members. Life happens, and as I personally know and can attest, it does get in the way of what we want to do. As your Commanding Officer, I assure you the sim isn't going anywhere while we all recover from our seasonal flu's and sickness, your health is my top concern as well as your well being, so it makes sense this Sim operates the same way I do; patience, second and third chances, and a relaxed atmosphere. Right now let's all concentrate on getting better, those of us who are under, and we wish to all thank those of us who are not for their patience during this time.

On that topic, we all know it's the Holiday Season. In America, we're celebrating Christmas soon and New Years, which I'm sure is an equally celebrated dual holiday elsewhere. Let's all take this time to spend time with our family, tend to our real life business, and only concentrate on this sim should you have the time. As stated before, my top concern is your well being, not the number of posts you provide this sim - though I admit you guys have done fantastic so far and I'd be remiss to say I wasn't floored and appreciative!

Thank you all for being a part of this family. Let's all send our well wishes to those under sickness, send our best wishes to those of us who are still busy with work this Holiday Season, and send our best regards for all of us during our Holiday downtime. Spend time with family and concentrate on staying healthy. You are all a fantastic crew and I couldn't be blessed with such wonderful folks to spend the Year of 2020 with.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, crew. You made 2019 a wonderful time to be alive, and I can't wait to see what we achieve in 2020!

Wishing you better health than I,
Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
USS Poseidon


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