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Concerning the Bridge Joint Post

Posted on Saturday September 14th, 2019 @ 3:24pm by Captain Franklin Johnson

Hey Crew,

A small clarification on the Bridge Joint Post. I apologize for how sudden it may have appeared, so I wanted to clarify what is going on and what we, as the command staff, intend to do when everyone has had their say and the situation moves on and concludes. We've basically decided to split the post into two halves; bridge and everything below decks. What is going to happen is that when everyone has concluded their activity, and the bridge has concluded its launch and whatever else will be included, the command staff will go through and edit the placement of entries to fit into a canonical order.

Now, to be perfectly clear on this, these edits will not in any way be permitted to edit content posted by a crewmember unless it's some sort of grammatical error that is usually fixed anyway. Your content is your content, our only objective is fitting everything in order so you guys have a blast reading it. The brief explanation for this is that I am, your Captain, trying out something that may or may not flesh out in future JP's. If it doesn't we'll continue with the tried and true methods and no harm done.

If anyone has any objections to this or feels this is a violation of your creativity, let us know right away! While we may only be editing the placement of things, this is your sim too and if you feel that is wrong or is unnecessary let us know. Any input from you is valuable during this time, especially considering it's a simple experiment approved by myself to try to make things easier. If it isn't easier, or especially if it violates a level of trust, let us and me know.

Thank you for everything! I am really honored to be your Commanding Officer and I am so happy you all are here. You make my day and week and everything you do always cheers me up.

Keep up the good work,
Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


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