
We're Gearing Up!

Posted on Saturday August 3rd, 2019 @ 12:43am by Captain Franklin Johnson

Hello Everyone! A slightly OOC announcement intermingled with News.

Firstly, I'd like to welcome formally Lieutenant Commander Phoebe Graydon and her player behind her character. A few years ago that player (J.Bartaby on the Poseidon Discord) played the original 2XO when Gregory Paladin was the CO. He is a wonderful friend and a dedicated officer, and I wholeheartedly welcome him back into the fold. Sorry for the late welcome, James!

Moving on, we have a lot planned for the Poseidon! As we are gearing up recruitment and advertising where we can, we are hopeful our ranks will swell. We already have a prospective Chief Engineering Officer in the works and I very much am eager to welcome them when they get the time. A lot of our most prestigious positions are still open for everyone to consider, so I urge any visitors to highly consider participating.

Right now our main mission is in Drydock, and any story that takes place there. I'm very proud of the crew so far and am so happy with the participation.

We only have up to go from here!

Franklin Johnson
Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon



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