Cadet Junior Grade Ayumi Yamagou

Name Ayumi Yamagou

Position Assistant Chaplain

Second Position Chef

Rank Cadet Junior Grade


  • 3 Mission Posts

Last Post

Saturday August 24th, 2024 @ 10:07pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4
Weight 145 lbs
Hair Color black
Eye Color dark blue
Physical Description Ayumi has a medium build and is normally very athletic as she loves to play sports and keep herself physically as well as spiritually healthy. However, at the moment Ayumi is currently pregnant, and her breasts and belly are larger than usual and she sports a protruding navel. As a result of her current condition, Ayumi is unable to do some of the things she normally would. Her long black hair is often parted in the middle with fairly identical bangs running down on both sides of her face.


Spouse Kenji Koizumi (Boyfriend)
Children Expecting first child
Father Father Koichiro Yamagou
Mother Yotsuba Yamagou
Sister(s) Sister Koume Yamagou (older)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Due to her Catholic upbringing, Ayumi is a devout woman of faith. She believes that everything that happens happens for a reason, as it is the will of God. She is happy to discuss beliefs as well as having her beliefs challenged, as seeing the point of view of other faiths helps her to develop a greater understanding of what others believe in.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Kind
+Willing to challenge her beliefs

-Believes the will of God sometimes conflicts with that of the Catholic church, a perfect example of this is her pregnancy out of wedlock.
-Holds a rather conservative world view
Ambitions Ayumi's ambition is to spread the word of God, whatever form that might take. Currently, Ayumi believes God's will is to spread the word via chaplaincy in Starfleet. However, she believes that if God wills her to be elsewhere, such as taking over her father's church, she would leave Starfleet without hesitation.
Hobbies & Interests -Playing Football (Soccer)
-Playing Basketball
-Running on treadmills
-Lifting weights
-Bible study
-Christian Hymns

Personal History Ayumi was born and raised in Japan. Her father was a Catholic Priest at a small church in her hometown of Omitama, and from a young age, Ayumi was involved in the Catholic Church. Her father always believed that one of his daughters would one day take over the church, and Ayumi came to inherit her father's beliefs.

One of Ayumi's earliest memories was singing in the choir at the church at age 5. She had been told leading up to the service from which the memory stems that several Starfleet officers in their congregation were coming home from the recently-concluded Dominion war, and that the service would be special, which would require Ayumi sing at her best. And put on a show she did, as she remembers several of the Starfleet officers approaching her father afterwards, and admitting that the service moved them to tears.

When Ayumi was old enough, she attended Catholic school, where she studied the bible and the teachings of Jesus alongside English and Mathematics. Her days attending Catholic elementary school were mostly happy ones, but Catholic middle school was a different story, as for the first time Ayumi's beliefs were challenged. Most notably by a boy in her class who was losing his faith in the church. The boy had been orphaned by the Dominion War, and was having a hard time swallowing what he was being taught. He claimed that the Jem'Hadar had taken away everything he had cared about, and was wondering where God was then.

Ayumi had an epiphany prior to graduating from Catholic middle school that blind faith was making her ignorant to those around her, and she wanted to see other points of view outside of the Catholic church, and as such, she asked her parents to send her to a non-Catholic high school.

High school was a culture shock for Ayumi, who came to realize just how sheltered her existence had been, as she came into contact with all kinds of faiths and even atheists that her parents had long warned her about. Ayumi became acquainted with, and eventually good friends with a girl her age named Karina Sakaguchi. When the two of them graduated, Karina had made up her mind that she wanted to go into Starfleet, while Ayumi felt the lord had a different calling for her, and she began her RCIA course in preparation for eventually inheriting her father's church.

It wouldn't be until Ayumi was 22 when a Starfleet Officer visited her family's church one Sunday, and after the service, asked Ayumi if she had considered enrolling in Starfleet's chaplaincy program. After much consideration, Ayumi decided that God had willed her to enroll in the chaplaincy program, and so she did, and shipped off to Starfleet Academy in San Francisco.

In Ayumi's sophomore year, Ayumi met Kenji Koizumi, a junior grade cadet whom had also enrolled. Though he was Lutheran and she was Catholic, they both shared a desire to learn other points of view than their own, and after much collective reflection between the two of them, they decided that they were soul mates, and that God had willed for them to be together.

As Ayumi's junior year began, she discovered that she was pregnant with Kenji's child. She decided both not to tell Kenji and to keep the baby. Ayumi felt that telling Kenji that she was pregnant would distract him from his studies, and he would dedicate more time preparing to be a parent, and that wasn't something that Ayumi wanted, and having an abortion wasn't an option for her.

About 7 months into Ayumi's pregnancy, she was offered a chaplain position aboard the USS Poseidon to help her get a feel for what serving as a chaplain would be like.
Service Record 2393-present: Starfleet Academy
2395-present: USS Poseidon (Assistant Chaplain)
2395: Certified as Ship's Chef - USS Poseidon
2395-present: USS Poseidon (Assistant Chaplain/Ship's Chef)