Lieutenant JG Aravik Akron

Name Aravik John Akron

Position Counselor

Rank Lieutenant JG

Last Post

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan
Age 31

Physical Appearance

Height 6'5
Weight 185 LBS
Hair Color Ginger (Colored)
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description He has the average Vulcan build. His ears are pierced.


Father Aaron Akron (Adoptive)
Mother Ellen Akron (Adoptive)
Brother(s) Alvin Akron

Personality & Traits

General Overview Overall, Aravik is an illogical Vulcan. He chose to become a counselor to help others after his long emotional struggle.
Strengths & Weaknesses His strengths are medical and psychological topics. His weaknesses are security and most combat scenarios.
Ambitions His ambitions are to become an instructor at the academy.
Hobbies & Interests Baseball and basketball. He also plays chess and

Personal History Aravik was born on July 18th in Galveston, TX. He was abandoned as a child on Earth and was raised by human parents. His human father was the captain of a ship and his mother was a scientist on Earth. They postponed serving to take care of Aravik on Earth. His early childhood was exactly like a human’s childhood. His parents knew to keep him away from sugar as it is very intoxicating to Vulcans. He went to a human school and copied many habits from the other children. He grew up with many friends into his teens. They raised him the best they could and he was not taught the art of emotional suppression until he was in his teens. He joined the baseball team and became quite good at being a batter. He aspired to join the major leagues but decided against it due to not being good enough to join. He saw his parents as good starfleet officers and decided that he would follow in their footsteps. He had great trouble suppressing his emotions and decided that he would simply deal with them the human way. He became rather interested in science after looking at past scientists’ achievements. He had hoped to discover something interesting and to better the galaxy.
In his belief that a Starfleet career would be more beneficial to him, he pursued that route. He took a Starfleet entrance exam after months of endless studying, and barely made it in. He joined starfleet at 18 and excelled in his courses. Although he excelled he experienced many hardships. He had a series of emotional outbursts, and took almost all of his will to control his emotions. He eventually reached a point of complete control of his emotions and resembled a very normal human minus the pointed ears. He took many courses about psychology and medical, and one about self defense techniques. He avoided other Vulcans due to the fact that they weren’t like him. He once thought about avoiding Vulcans altogether though, but decided against it as they were his teachers. He was very social with many of the people and made many lifelong friends. He became quite distant from his family and his brothers became very distant from him as well. The last time he saw his parents was at the age of 24 due to a dispute about how he handled himself and logic. He wanted to further deviate from a path of logic, and his parents always lectured him on his Vulcan lineage.
Service Record USS Shenandoah- He served as a Counselor-in-training for the first two years.
Deep Space 125- He served as an assistant Counselor before being promoted to Counselor.