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General Sim Update [30-11-19]

Posted on Saturday November 30th, 2019 @ 11:36pm by Commander Kanaka Shakura

Hello Everyone,

As the festive season is just on the horizon, the Command Staff and I felt it would be a good idea for us to touch base to look at the overall state of things and consider our moves going forward in the immediate future.

== Warm Welcomes to Fresh Faces ==

Before we get onto that, allow me the honour to introduce some of our newest crew-members! We've had an astonishing four new faces join us this month, making us the largest sim in Task Force 11 of Pegasus Fleet!

First, we have Lieutenant T'Pri, our new Chief Intelligence Officer. T'Pri brings a wealth of interesting ideas and experience to the table, and I can't wait to see what machinations and intrigue they have in store for us.

Next we have Ensign Aislin Finnegan, who joins us as Assistant Chief Science Officer. Joining us all the way from the southern hemisphere, Aislin has already begun making friends on board and I'm confident to say will likely create a nice dynamic with her fellow officers, and I'm glad she's here to join us.

Then there's Ensign Jack Davids, who comes aboard as an Operations Officer. Jack has over a years experience in other Star Trek roleplays, but this is his first time simming with us here in Pegasus Fleet and on the Nova system. So, make sure to give him a warm welcome and a helping hand to learn the ropes should he need it!

Last but certainly not least we have Staff Sergeant Maximilian Pfaffenheim, who brings our Marine Detachment to life as our First Sergeant. I personally have the pleasure of knowing Maximilian from other roleplaying ventures, and he's a strong writer and a class personality. A perfect fit for our motley crew! While no slouch in roleplay, he is also new to our Nova system, so make sure to give him a helping hand too if he needs it.

A warm welcome to all - each new player makes us an even more diverse and vibrant crew, and the Command Staff is immensely privileged to sim with each and every one of you.

== State of the Sim ==

So, with Departure: Below Decks and Recovery squared away - big well done again to everyone who took part in their writing - the sim is now firmly on course to flesh out the remainder of the Shakedown Cruise mission. In light of the events of both Departure's and Recovery there's still the matter of finalising the investigation in Lt. Pavan's death and determining whether it continues or not, which is to be reported on in The Second Senior Officers' Meeting, which is still a work-in-progress.

Alongside this, time certainly doesn't stand still while all these events are going on. Oh no; there's a lot more going on that deserves to be captured and written. So, for the purposes of assisting you all in continuing to write excellent and intriguing Joint Posts and to keep the story rolling as we go forward, here's the Command Staff's guide/outline for the Shakedown Cruise Mission in terms of critical events and timescale.

-- Day 000 (August 18th 2393 / Stardate 70627.4) --

Original Date of Departure, abandoned following the Fighter Incident that resulted in the death of Lieutenant Pavan (See: Departure: The Bridge, Departure: Below Decks and Recovery)

Suggestions for events on this day: Reacting to the incident, reflecting on how your character and their department responded to the incident.

-- Day 001 --

The Poseidon is re-docked at Starbase 99 following the events of the previous day. Everyone is still in shock. Meanwhile, a couple of new faces (see above) join the crew, as well as a face from the Poseidon's past who has somehow come back from the dead... (See: A Second Chance)

Suggestions for events on this day: Meeting and introducing the new crew members, finalising the investigation, general character work.

-- Day 002 --

Nothing particular of note happens this day.

Use this as a day to use as you see fit and come up with interesting character interactions / points of inquiry. If you want to introduce a new plot element either for the ongoing plot or your own character, please consult me (LCdr. Shakura) first.

-- Day 003 --

Commander Franklin Johnson convenes the Senior Officers' for another Meeting in order to address the ships' morale and to receive the final report into the Fighter Incident. From there the Poseidon prepares to set off again (See: The Second Senior Officers' Meeting [WIP]).

Suggestions for events on this day: Rebuilding ship morale, getting ready for Departure.

-- Day 004 --

The Poseidon attempts once more to depart and begin it's first mission.

++ Please Note: This day will likely be left until The Second Senior Officers' Meeting is concluded and another Joint Post for Departure begins, but by all means still set JPs on this day, just try not to get too far ahead of things that haven't been written. ++

This will be the last day of Shakedown Cruise.

== Concluding Remarks ==

The Command Staff is anticipating that as we go into the festive period things will slow down as we all get busy with family and merriment, so we're expecting that the Shakedown Cruise Mission will probably tide us over for the next month, with the hope being that we'll be moving onto our next Mission and thus officially onto our first Main Plot Arch in the new year! More on that when we get there.

In the meantime the Command Staff and I will be reviewing our Awards system (as well as giving out more). We will also attempt to have a new Command Staff Briefing in the near future should time allow it.

Until then, don't forget to keep being awesome!

LCdr. Kanaka "Kana" Shakura
Chief Counsellor and Second Officer
U.S.S. Poseidon


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Tags: General News, Shakedown Cruise, November 2019

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